
VPN Leasedline

Gives you the security of your data. It is crucial. With MPLS (Multi-protocol Label Switching), you create a highly secure network. It connects multiple locations and users. Offices,business partners, cloud providers, and remote and mobile workers.  

- Fó resposta lalais no iha dezempeñu di 'ak liu ba aplikasaun;

- Nivel kontrolu ne 'ebé aas kona-ba Ita-boot nia rede;

- Difikuldade menus, konektividade Seguru;

- Outstanding network performance, reliability and consistency; - apoiu tékniku 24/7 no monitorizasaun proativu ba asesu Internet.

Contact for more detail
Email: esd@telemor.tl
Mobile: +670 7583 9999
Contact for more detail
Email: esd@telemor.tl
Mobile: +670 7583 9999
Contact for more detail
Email: esd@telemor.tl
Mobile: +670 7583 9999
Contact for more detail
Email: esd@telemor.tl
Mobile: +670 7583 9999
Relasaun ho Broadband