20/06/2022 11:40:44



Telekomunikasaun Telemor operator hahú halo investment iha Timor-Leste hafoin hetan license commercial husi government of Timor-leste iha August 22, 2022, ho nune'e, iha loron August 22, 2022, Telemor kompleta ona tinan 10 halo investment ih Timor-Leste.
Atu celebrates ba da-10th anniversary, Telemor kria program Community Care hodi halo visit ba maluk sira ne'ebé presiza tulun husi Entidade seluk hanesan maluk sira ho kondisaun defisiénsia nomós oan ki'ak sira.
Ho nune'e, iha Sesta 17 June 2022, Telemor halo visit ba maluk deficiente matan sira iha AHDMTL hodi fó medical consultation ho gratuita liuhusi cooperasaun ho sabeh (Saúde ba ema hotu). Aleinde Free medical consultation ne'e, Telemor mós lori supported basic necessity sira hanesan foos at supermi nu'udar espresaun domin husi Telemor ba sira hotu.
Vice Director Jerál Telemor nian Sr. Pham Van Manh (Eric) Hateten, "The privilege of the present boot is not the only privilege to be visited by the people of the country." Telemor ohin mai lori medical colleague sira husi SABEH ne'ebé mak dezde dadersan kedas halo ona medical consultation ba ita boot sira iha ne'e. Aleinde ne'e, Telemor mós lori sasan nesesidade base balu hanesan foos no supermi ba AHDMTL.
Telemor mós sei visit tan 9 ne'ebé halibur maluk vulneravel sira depoizde AHDMTL. "
Iha sorin seluk, Director AHDMTL hato'o obrigadu ba Telemor ne'ebé mak ho laran di'ak hodi visit ona maluk deficiente matan sira, no halo medical consultation ba sira, included fó supported sasan nesesidade basic sira ba maluk deficient matan sira iha AHDMTL. Nia mós husu Telemor atu nafatin continue service di 'ak ida-ne' e, liuliu hamutuk hodi hello advocacy ba maluk defisiente sira hotu.
During the visit ne'e, maluk defisiente matan sira iha AHDMTL ho laran haksolok tebes hodi simu Telemor nia team does not participate iha medical consultation ho másimu.
Telemor nu'udar telecom operator boot liu iha East ne'ebé mak fó preokupasaun boot liu ba social problem sira hanesan maluk vulnerable, environmental health no seluk tan.
Before ne'e, Telemor koopera ona ho Integrated Crisis Management Center hodi fó supported meius komukasaun sira hanesan Laptop, Telemovel no Pulsa hodi facilita komukisaun kona-ba preventsaun ba COVID-19 iha Timor-East, no during inundasaun iha April 20 21, Telemor mós koopera ho Secretary of State for Social Protection hodi fó supported ba victim inundasaun sira, no aleinde ne'e, Telemor mós organizes cleaning tasi ho slogan "Together for a Zero Plastic Sea" in social activity seluk tan. 

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